[Important: ToqMail relies on the "Qualcomm Toq" app which has been unpublished from GooglePlay because the manufacturer no longer supports the watch or software. However, the "Qualcomm Toq" app can be downloaded from alternative app stores.]
The most advanced email implementation for Toq Smartwatch
The email notifications contain smart commands such as 'canned reply', delete email' and 'archive' that are designed to facilitate ultra-quick processing of email on Toq Smartwatch.
ToqMail works with nearly all email accounts by supporting the following protocols: IMAP, IMAP-IDLE (Push Mail), POP3 & Exchange via EWS or IMAP.
ToqMail is a standalone app that works in conjunction with *any* email app. [There are no dependencies on K9, Gmail APIs or anything else.]
1. Install Toq Mail
2. Open the Toq App and click on "More Applets"
3. Ensure Toq Mail is enabled
• Displays email notification with sender name and subject
• Displays the full email body
• Open: Opens the email app inbox on the phone from the watch
• Delete: Deletes the email notification
• Delete Message: Deletes the email message from the mail server
• Mark as Read: Marks the message as read on the mail server
• Mark as High Pri: Marks the message as high priority on the mail server
• Archive: Moves the message to the designated folder on the mail server
• Quick Reply: Issue a canned reply from the Android Wear watch
Questions & Improvements please contact: support@maxlabmobile.com
[重要提示:ToqMail依赖于已从GooglePlay中取消发布的“Qualcomm Toq”应用程序,因为制造商不再支持该手表或软件。但是,“Qualcomm Toq”应用程序可以从其他应用商店下载。
Toq Smartwatch最先进的电子邮件实现
电子邮件通知包含智能命令,例如“罐装回复”,“删除电子邮件”和“存档”,旨在促进Toq Smartwatch上超快速处理电子邮件。
ToqMail是一个独立的应用程序,可与* any *电子邮件应用程序配合使用。 [不依赖于K9,Gmail API或其他任何内容。]
1.安装Toq Mail
2.打开Toq App并单击“More Applets”
3.确保已启用Toq Mail
 • 打开:从手表打开手机上的电子邮件应用程序收件箱
 • 删除:删除电子邮件通知
 • 删除邮件:删除邮件服务器中的电子邮件
 • 标记为已读:将邮件标记为在邮件服务器上读取
 • 标记为高级:在邮件服务器上将邮件标记为高优先级
 • 存档:将邮件移动到邮件服务器上的指定文件夹
 • 快速回复:从Android Wear手表发出预设回复